"Christianity 101: The Holy Spirit"

The Super Bowl is annually the most-watched family program of the year -- sometimes, nearly 25% of the population of the United States tune in to see the game (which is why advertisers pay through the nose to put together great commercials and air them during the Super Bowl).

But in 1964, a whopping 40% of the population was watching the Ed Sullivan Show to see the live TV debut of The Beatles.  It’s been called by many historians “the most important 2 minutes and 16 seconds in the history of television,” and that’s no exaggeration.

As my mass media professor told us back in college, the history of television can be seen as being broken down into two eras -- before The Beatles and after The Beatles.  See, before The Beatles, TV was roundly considered to be not much more than radio with pictures, and the programming and usual ads reflected that.  But when 50,000 people beg for tickets to your 700-seat venue (and when those who get seats nearly hyperventilate with excitement) and 40% of the nation is watching, that kinda changes things.

Suddenly America (and American marketers) recognized the immense popularity of “rock ’n’ roll” that affected so many people.  Suddenly, America (and American marketers) recognized the strength of the growing “Youth Culture” in America, and began to mobilize to reach and embrace that dynamic demographic.  Suddenly, America (and American marketers) recognized the power of television to become not only a conveyance of data and a passive entertainer, but to a legitimate force for social influence. That 2 minute and 16 second block of television changed everything.

As we discussed in this week’s sermon, going through a “Christianity 101” refresher course, your spiritual life could also be seen as being broken down into two era as well -- before the Holy Spirit and after the Holy Spirit. 

There was a time when you were dead in your sins, walking through this broken world alone (though with others potentially nearby), and limited to the physical, mental, and emotional gifts that you possessed.  But when Christ’s blood paid for our sins, when we accepted His payment on our behalf, when we gave ourselves to follow Christ as our Lord, then the Holy Spirit changed everything.

Suddenly, God’s Spirit breathed new life into you, and you moved from being a dead spiritual being to being a live spiritual being who can share that life with those around you.  Suddenly, God’s Spirit came to dwell within you, meaning that you are never truly alone any longer -- that at every moment and in every way, God is walking with you far more intimately and far more consistently than even the closest human relationship in your life could possibly even fathom.  Suddenly, God’s Spirit ripped opened the door to your access to God’s infinite supply of giftings that can equip and empower you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to live out your God-given purposes in this world more and more every day.  And every day, God’s Spirit desires to sculpt you more and more into God’s likeness.

That’s more than even The Beatles could ever accomplish, and it changes everything…

So is your life a quantum leap different from the way it was the day before the Holy Spirit came into your life?  How should you respond to that today?