Adult Sunday School Notes & Podcast

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If we believe the Bible, then we have to believe that there is more going on in this world than simply what we can see with our eyes and hear with our ears. We have to believe that spiritual beings—angels as well as demons—exist and interact with our lives on a regular basis (whether we noticed or not). And if we believe that spiritual warfare is real, then we need to be as Biblically prepared for it as we can be… because our knowledge of Satan shouldn’t be based on tradition or myth, but on Scripture.

Current Sunday School Class

No, it wasn’t written by the Apostles. No, it wasn’t really an “official” creed of the Church. But since the Apostles’ Creed has become the “industry standard” for Christian churches for centuries, it’s totally worth taking the time to walk through and understand—to understand what it is saying, and to understand what it’s not saying. Join with your brothers and sisters across the world and across the centuries!

Previous Sunday School Class

The Bible actually has a lot to say about what we should do with different parts of our bodies. No part is pointless, every part has some value, and what we choose to do -- or not to do -- with each part makes a difference in our lives and in the lives of the people around us. It may sound silly to some people to spend a mini-mester thinking about that sort of thing... but that just proves how much we probably don't think about the stuff that God specifically told us to think about.

Previous Sunday School Class

The people of God had lost their homeland to Assyria and to Babylon. Now a new Persian power was changing the order of things, and God’s people could finally return home to their cities and their place of worship. But after two generations, would things be the same? Could things be the same? Should things be the same? If we can’t apply the book of Ezra-Nehemiah to our post-COVID era as we all try to re-think and re-institute what “normal” looks like for us, then we’re just not trying…

Previous Sunday School Class


This has got to be Paul’s most exasperated letter to a church—his first letter to the Christians in Corinth (well, actually, it’s his second letter to Corinth, but we’ve lost the first one that he wrote).  So join us as we look at how Paul lovingly corrects a church he planted and pastored for 18 months, only to hear about it falling apart after he’d left.  Could Godly course corrections for a church riddled with divisions and struggling to know how to interact with a broken, sinful culture be more relevant to us today…?

NOTE: This course was interrupted by COVID-19, but we will circle around to finish off the letter soon.

Previous Sunday School Classes


Novelty and creativity can be good things, and we should always encourage one another to look at the truth of God with open and inquiring eyes. But some groups "spin off" of orthodoxy so far that they are arguably no longer Christian any more, and that's a dangerous place to be. When even the Apostle Paul warns that we should be concerned if even "we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you" (Galatians 1:8), it pays for us to be very thoughtful about what we believe... and why...


Evangelical Christians strongly believe in the Holy Spirit as a fully-equal Person in the Trinity… and yet, we far too often know very little about Him, and have very little sense of connection or relationship to Him. Join us as we interactively look into Scripture at the personality and ministry of the Holy Spirit, and maybe get to know God at a slightly deeper level…

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This is an Adult Sunday School class is looking at Paul’s warmest, most personal letter to a church—his letter to the Christians in Philippi.  Join us as we look at how Paul encourages a church that’s genuinely trying to live out their faith in the midst of a culture that was focused on politics and profit, and increasingly adversarial to Christianity.  The book is filled with precisely the sort of practical, hands-on applications that modern American churches need to be hearing today, because God's still working on all of us…


This Adult Sunday School class looked at Common Misconceptions that we have about the Bible. An amazing amount of things that we think that we know about the Bible are based more on our misconceptions (from TV, from traditional stories, from repeated misquotes, etc.) than they are based on any actual, personal knowledge of Scripture. WARNING: It's almost a little scary sometimes to find out what you only thought that you knew about the Bible...

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Pastor Kevin actually spent a few years teaching this extended course on Church History.  I know what you're thinking--but this class was not only informative, it was also incredibly interesting.  We've all heard the phrase, "history repeats itself," and we all learned how true that is.  If you missed these great lessons they are still available in multiple formats.