Fellowship Activities

At First Covenant, we believe that fellowship--active community-building--is an essential part of a healthy church. We have lots of actives throughout the year that allow everyone the chance to plug in and get involved, but here are a few of the ongoing opportunities. 

Fantasy Football League

The Holy Spirit should inhabit every part of our lives... including our hobbies. Our First Covenant Fantasy Football League (FCFL) is a way for people who like football (and people who don't really care much about football) to have some silly fun, to get to know each other better, and to connect over a little friendly competition. Because the goal here isn't really about winning a game or winning the season--it's about winning one another. Pastor Kevin even has an open invitation to design a helmet for your team, if you ask him.

Anyone who wants to see the current year's standings can view them here!

FCFL logo 2019 B1.png

Take Them A Meal

One facet of fellowship is serving each other.  A simple, yet much appreciated way of reaching out and showing Christ's love for each other through service is by bringing meals to those who are experiencing a life change.  Whether it is a birth of a new baby, surgery, or other unexpected life event, we will from time to time provide meals for families who are connected with First Covenant Church.  To sign up to provide a meal, please use the following link:  takethemameal.com